It looks mighty fine if I say so myself ;)
Here's what you'll be needing:
- A metal tray of any sort
- Fine grit sand paper
- Spray paint primer
- One trash bag
- Tape
- Chalk board paint
- Acrylic paint
- Sponge paint brushes
- A towel
- Chalk
- Mod Podge (if desired)
Step One: Selecting a Tray
It's important to get a tray you like. It should be the right size and it should have a design you like. It's not necessary, however, to drop a lot of dough on your tray. (In fact, it's a bit absurd!) I suggest going to your local thrift store, Goodwill, or recycle store. You can find some awesome steals, and you won't be breaking the bank. I got BOTH of these beauties at my local thrift store for a whopping combined total of $1.56!
Step Two: Sand it down
Go over your tray lightly with some fine grit sand paper. This gives the slick metal a bit of a textured surface for the primer to hold on to. When I was done sanding, my trays looked a little like this.
Step Three: Prime it!
This step was a bit taxing in the hot summer sun! Take your trash bag outside and tape it to the ground securely so that it wont flop over on your drying trays in the wind. Set your trays on the bag and spray both sides with primer. Only spray one side at a time and be sure to spray a nice even coat on both sides. Let the tray dry well before bringing it inside.
Step Four: Paint it up!
(This is what the trays looked like after priming!) Paint the decorated edging any color you desire with your sponge brush and let it dry well. I recommend using at least two coats. Now paint a coat of chalk board paint on the flat part of the tray. Wait 30 minutes, then paint it with another coat in the opposite direction. (You can also paint over the colored part with Mod Podge to give it a more polished look. I hadn't in these pictures, but I will be going back and doing so!)
Step 5: Make it chalk-ready
Wait 24 hours between steps four and 5. Now talk a piece of chalk and dust the chalk board painted part of the board with chalk. Now carefully wash it with soap and water and dry.
Congratulations! You've just made an incredibly useful chalk board out of a cheap tray and it's totally awesome (name that musical!) You can now display it with a picture frame holder, plate holder, or even attach ribbon to the back and make it a hanging board. Be sure to share this with your friends, pin it, and comment!