Sunday, August 18, 2013

Maximizing Minimal Space

     I recently moved in to my brand new, first-ever dorm room and it has been quite the adventure so far! Saying that our rooms are small would be a drastic understatement. I share my space with another girl which further reduces this square footage. Needless to say, I've got to get the most of every inch I have! I've been figuring out things pretty quickly so here is my advice to any other girl that may be moving in to close quarters!

One: Loft That Bed!

     It may sound intimidating, but lofting is definitely the way to go! Getting your bed way off the ground opens up so much room for activities (name that movie!) The under area is now free to use for a futon, your desk, extra closet space, a hang out area, a media area, a wall to wall fish tank, a dance club for short people, a panic shelter, a... you get the point. Think it doesn't sound safe? Don't fret. Brace your bed by pushing it in a corner. A corner of any size will help. Still scared? You can add a bed rail protecting you from a plunge to certain doom. Having trouble getting up that RIDICULOUS ladder? You can get one that hooks around the rail and pull yourself up. Extra Bonus: hot air rises, cool air falls. You're welcome.

Two: Put a Curtain Under Your Bed

     (Refer to the picture in tip one.) Adding a curtain is a clever way to accomplish many things. For me, it separates my desk and study area from the rest of the room. For you, it may just be a neat way to cover up the clutter under your bed. The assembly of one of these babies couldn't be easier! You're going to need a tension rod that fits your bed's dimensions, a pack of curtain rings with clips attached, and a flat sheet. Measure the tension rod and secure it with the spring and screw. Now, slide the rings on the rod and prop the rod up on either end of the bed. Finally, take the flat sheet and clip it to the clips on the rings. Extra Bonus: The sheets block out light so you now have a tricked-out nap area for when you are too exhausted to crawl up to your bed!

Three: Put the Desk under Your Bed


     This one is a matter of preference, really. I think it works out pretty well! I put my desk under the bed and turned it so that the long end is against the head of my bed. Now, it's out of the way and tucked behind a curtain for optimal study space! Also, I have some extra room to pull out my desk chair and have a fun little hang out area! (It also doubles as the aforementioned nap space.)

Four: Command and 3m Products are Your New Best Friend



     Check out the desk space! (Pardon all the empty picture frames. I'm still in the process of making it more like home and this post will be updated with final pictures!) As you can see, I have my DIY Chalk Board, but exactly is it holding on? I used LOTS of command strips, Velcro, and magnets in this area of my room. Let me point out where...
  • My memo board is hung on the wall with a small hook
  • My tiny blue mirror is magnetic and is attached to the metal part of my desk
  • The white picture frames are secured with small hooks
  • The small yellow picture frames are magnetic too
  • My chalk board is secured to one of my bed rails with 2 strips of Velcro
  • Not pictured: I attached two additional hooks to the side of my desk to hang my purse and lanyard on. (Later, I'm adding two larger, sturdier hooks to get my book bag and lap desk off the ground

Five: Bring LOTS of Pillows


     You can't even see all the pillows in this picture! I have 7 pillows and I may get more. This one is pretty simple. I use them to make a pillow pallet at nap time and it. is. awesome.

Six: Make yourself comfortable

A painting my boyfriend painted me and a photo line
 with lots of small, sentimental goodies
     It is so important to make sure that your dorm is a place where you feel at home! After all, this is where you will be living for the next year of your school life. Make it cozy, but don't over crowd. AND: Bring lots of blankets to fight the freeze in chilly dorms. At the end of the day, your dorm should be a place you're happy to find yourself in!

Well, that's all for now! Until next time, you stay classy, Planet Earth! (Name that movie!)

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